Let Me Tell You About...

Super Mario Bros. - Legend of the Seven Scripts

Episode Summary

The Super Mario Bros. movie came out in 1993 to an audience that was baffled, confused and unsure of what to think about the finished product. Which was exactly how everyone working on the movie felt through its history! Tad and Joe cover the history of the super mario bros movie and the seven scripts it went through during production! It's an interesting look at what happens to a movie full of talented people doing great individual work but the danger of too much AND too little oversight!

Episode Notes

The Super Mario Bros. movie came out in 1993 to an audience that was baffled, confused and unsure of what to think about the finished product. Which was exactly how everyone working on the movie felt through its history!
Tad and Joe cover the history of the super mario bros movie and the seven scripts it went through during production! It's an interesting look at what happens to a movie full of talented people doing great individual work but the danger of too much AND too little oversight!

From a light hearted princess bride fantasy film to the gritty BladeRunner-esque sets of the final release. From the swarmy one-step-from-fratricide Mario Mario to the plumbing enthusiast ladies man Mario Mario. From the light-hearted and carefree Luigi Mario to the... still carefree Luigi Mario.

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