Let Me Tell You About...

Roar - The Most Dangerous Film Ever Made

Episode Summary

The story of a rich hollywood family and their dangerous affinity for big cats.

Episode Notes

The story of a rich hollywood family and their dangerous affinity for big cats.

Talking Points: Tippi Hedron, the Apocalypto Jaguar puppet,tiger king,stabbing a squishmallow,Independent Film Channel,Seven cats,Batman dinner parties,lions lions lions lions lions,the gangly tigers,Union Guildelines,Judo chops,Menards meat buckets,Tads Werner Herzog impression sounds like Gordon Ramsay,Goosing around on set,monkey film copyright,catling gun,cabela's big hunts,the chris kyle of squirrels,on set divas,ginger horse,comicbook pest monkey,Timbo HATES shownotes,natural ice,pizza party fridays,sorry about your moms ankles,a gaffers duty,bald bull,cool trailer tricks in the gas station parking lot and the noahs arc flood