Let Me Tell You About...

Noyz Boyz 37: Noyz Boyz 420

Episode Summary

Aleks gets banned from Discord! Tad enters his "weed arc"! Aleks retells the story of Jeff the killer! Somehow Tad did not know it had a whole setting and lore!

Episode Notes

(Episode recorded 3/4/2024 and had half of it split off into the next episode because it was so long! Keep an eye out for that one coming very soon, it was a ton of fun.)

I mention it in the episode but please check out the new merch store! And if you're interested in a free T-shirt check out the Patreon for info!

/////// SHILL CORNER ///////

LMTYA shirts!
/////// SHILL CORNER ///////

Imgur Album: https://imgur.com/a/H1iXeAE
Talking Points: Crypto master,Thailand daily newspaper,Aleks got banned from Discord,obscure 1937 black and whtie post-african funkcore (silent),bodytype A and B vietnam,Avatar The Last Airbender,PEAK FICTION,its all Disco Elysium baby,Garfield Kart GAMER RAGE,MAID in Canada,borrowing from Gamestop,The irony is not lost on me that we were basically shoplifting at 22:50,Jeff the killer,the skintaker,beast wars,The heros Journey continued,smoke shops,secret hiking bongs,weed names,DPH brain blasting,Tad starts to sound like Wheezy from Toy Story 2,Reefer Madness,pizza-watermelon-applejuice,ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli, the gutlet,Aleks in a glue trap and THAT SICKY ICKY

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(Jeff the killer thumbnail image shamelessly stolen from https://www.deviantart.com/1day4dreams/art/Jeff-the-Killer-Chibi-614245983)