Let Me Tell You About...

Noyz Boy 29: Noyz Boy (Singular)

Episode Summary

Whats up with the weird logo? Why are your 20s so unique? What did she mean by 'Meat Scientist'? I've edited the original broadcast down and cleaned up the audio to make it better for a purely audio episode. As a result some of the questions got trimmed down or cut out for audio issues or to make things flow a bit better. I kept as much of the fan questions in as I could while keeping the audio brisk enough to not feel too stale. I hope you guys enjoy this episode and have a good Christmas!

Episode Notes

(This Noyz Boyz was recorded 12/8/2021 and was streamed live on Youtube.)

I've edited the original broadcast down and cleaned up the audio to make it better for a purely audio episode. As a result some of the questions got trimmed down or cut out for audio issues or to make things flow a bit better. I kept as much of the fan questions in as I could while keeping the audio brisk enough to not feel too stale. I hope you guys enjoy this episode and have a good Christmas!

Primary questions answered: Whats up with the weird logo? Why are your 20s so unique? What did she mean by 'Meat Scientist'?

Talking Points: no longer Bachelor Tad with a bachelor pad, Hershey Park, modern arcade, Mario Bros Scripts, Nursing and IT, personal housing crisis, the Gamegrumps drama of LMTYA, actual addiction to Runescape, Hoarders, ungrateful boomers, German class in Highschool, TF2 Smissmas, stumbling to use Google Voice, cage free, fishnet ham,sweet n sour pizza sauce, the REALLY sour pizza, sucking on sour skittles, Spongebob tbh :angery:, Facebook old-posting, ARGception, Valve Potato Pack, Bubby Burger, Kamen Rider W-asted my time

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