Let Me Tell You About...

Homestuck #5 - Why did we care?

Episode Summary

In this episode Tad explains WHY people like him stayed with HS and what it meant to people who read it.

Episode Notes

Thank you once again to everyone who sent in their audio!

Land Art folder link: https://mega.nz/#!CAIh0CTC!8jg0qZVykDC0kSQgvnc9SqLvJDBsFDigLWB1SKiX04g

In this episode Tad explains WHY people like him stayed with HS and what it meant to people who read it.

Talking Points: BTS is related to Homestuck, Tad has no friends, league of legends, jigglebilly, communism, english posting, homestuck general, metastuck, comfy pepe, wwalks into podcast farts, associations, meat and candy

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