Let Me Tell You About...

[Bonus] Boomers for Azeroth

Episode Summary

Homestuck #4 is kicking my butt so we've got a bonus episode with "official 24-year old boomers" Aleks and Matt as we crack open our respective sips and rev up our mowers to talk about old-school MMOs.

Episode Notes

ptssshk Remember Vanilla WoW? Now THAT was a game! Kids these days, they just dont know siiiiip aaaaaah... Grindin reps? Running taxis in Runescape... Yup. Those were the good ol' days.

Homestuck #4 is kicking my butt so we've got a bonus episode with "official 24-year old boomers" Aleks and Matt from The Sweet Life of Matt and Kody / Revival a Dungeons and Dragons Realplay Podcast fame. Remember Vanilla WoW? Now THAT was a game!

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