Let Me Tell You About...

Roblox GeoPolitics (With GeePM)

Episode Summary

Alex (Geepm) hops on the show again to talk about the incredibly deep Roblox political scene and his time running Militaires Sans Oofs, a Roblox PMC.

Episode Notes

Alex (Geepm) hops on the show again to talk about the incredibly deep Roblox political scene and his time running Militaires Sans Oofs, a Roblox PMC.

==Roblox Political Files==

Talking Points: Roblox Geopolitics, Roblox Gucci fabrics, Roblox , Roblox Private Military Companies, Roblox Police Raids, Roblox UN Summits, Roblox Peace Treaties, Roblox FAKE NEWS, Roblox also has games too.

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